Недавно созданные истории

seven.pics presents - Маврикий, Африка

Маврикий, Африка

Маврикий расположен примерно в 2000 км от юго-восточного побережья Африки и лежит к востоку от Мадагаскара. Земля имеет площадь 1865 квадратных километров, береговая линия - 330 километров. Внутренние особенности включают обширное центральное плато, субтропические леса, реки, реки и водопады. Это плоскогорье граничит с несколькими горными цепями, состоящими из массивов базальта различной формы, свидетельствующих о вулканическом происхождении острова. #travel #mauritius #africa #madagascar #island  
seven.pics presents - Mauritius, Africa

Mauritius, Africa

Mauritius is situated at approximately 2000kilometers to the south-eastern coast of Africa and lies east of Madagascar. The land has an area of 1865 square kilometers with 330 kilometers of coastline. Inland features include a vast central plateau, subtropical forests, rivers, steams and waterfalls. Bordering this tableland are several mountain ranges consisting of diverse shaped masses of basalt testifying the volcanic origins of the island. #travel #mauritius #africa #madagascar #island  
seven.pics presents - Nicosia


When thinking of visiting Cyprus, Nicosia is most likely not the first place on tourist minds for one thing – no beaches. It lacks ocean water and sand due to its central location, the capital, and the largest city in Cyprus makes up for it in a rich, great blend of culture, history, historical landmarks, impressive facilities, and many more. #travel #nicosia #cyprus #beach #capital  
seven.pics presents - Відвідайте Кейптаун

Відвідайте Кейптаун

Є багато причин відвідати Кейптаун, гарне і жваве портове місто, в Південній Африці, і я точно вам покажу, чому саме це - з описом деяких найкрасивіших місць, знайдених у жвавому мегаполісі та навколо нього. #southafrica #capetown #beach #ocean  
seven.pics presents - Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Sandy beaches, fantastic landscapes and great Thai food give you plenty of reasons to visit Phuket, the largest and best-known island of Thailand. It has a land area of approximately 540 square kilometers (roughly the size of Singapore.) A quarter of a million people live there, most of them being either Thai or Chinese. Situated off the west coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea temperatures vary from between 21 degrees and 34 degrees centigrade. Due to its geographical location, the months of November till April are traditionall. #travel #phuket #island #thailand #beach 
seven.pics presents - Poda Islands

Poda Islands

Poda Islands travel tips and all you need to about this beautiful island is given in this post. Koh Poda, famously known as the Poda Island is a beautiful vacation spot amidst the nature in South Thailand. Located off the coast of Krabi, Poda Island could turn out to be a great day trip for your friends and family. Well connected with major vacation destinations like Railay Beach, Klong Muang and Ao Nang, reaching out to Poda Island is easy and a wonderful experience. The clear waters, effulgent palm trees and soothing white beaches are a sight to see. #travel #islands #beach #relax  
seven.pics presents - Colombo


Colombo is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city in the beautiful country of Sri Lanka. Over the last few years, it has experienced a boom in the building of skyscrapers, new roads, and hotels. Its mixture of modern life and architecture and the old colonial buildings and charming ruins make Colombo rather unique. Despite lacking bucket-list kind of sights which other capitals in Asia have, Colombo is an attractive city that is worth visiting. Dedicate to it at least one day at least to get a taste of the bustle of city life in Sri Lanka. #travel #colombo #capital #asia #srilanka  
seven.pics presents -  Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Es gibt viele Gründe, Kapstadt, die schöne und pulsierende Hafenstadt im südlichen Afrika, zu besuchen, und ich werde Ihnen genau zeigen, warum das so ist, mit einer Auflistung einiger der schönsten Orte in und um die geschäftige Metropole. #southafrica #capetown #beach #ocean  
seven.pics presents - California


California, America’s “Golden State” is about 300 km wide and 1400 km long, stretching along the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It borders on Mexico to the south and Oregon to the north. Its western beaches, see pictures below, are in direct contrast to its deserts which border on the states of Arizona and Nevada to the east. #travel #california #america #beach  
seven.pics presents - Die besten Lichtverhältnisse

Die besten Lichtverhältnisse

Die besten Bilder entstehen bei Tageslicht. Ideal eignen sich dabei die Lichtverhältnisse am Vormittag, da die Sonne dann noch nicht so grell scheint. Die Mittagssonne sollte eher gemieden werden, da es das Objekt überbelichten und unschöne Schatten werfen kann. Man muss jedoch auch dazu sagen, dass es darauf ankommt, wie sonnig der Tag im Allgemeinen ist. Für noch bessere Lichtverhältnisse kann man das Fotoset in der Nähe eines Fensters auf einem Stuhl oder Tisch positionieren. Quelle: Buch "Food Fotografie", Anastasia Zourabova 
seven.pics presents - Всем привет!

Всем привет!

Меня зовут Гюзэль Демиркан и я живу в Германии с 2009 года. Я занимаюсь созданием цветочного декора на заказ. Также я рассказываю про свой опыт ведения рукодельного бизнеса на своём канале Youtube! Если вам интересна тема оформления и ведения ИП в Германии, то вы точно по адресу! Больше информации обо мне и моих изделиях вы найдёте на вебсайте www.bigflowersguzel.de Подписывайтесь на меня чтобы не потерять из виду! #handmade #diy #ростовыецветывгермании #diybusiness #bigflowers_guzel #guzeldemirkan #ростовыецветы #kleinunternehmer #flowers #русскиевгермании #decor 
seven.pics presents - Prague


Prague (Praha in Czech) is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Situated on the Vltava River, it is home to approximately 1.2 million inhabitants. (It can be derived from jobs statistics, however, that additional 300,000 work there without having registered as residents.) Nicknames for Prague have included “city of a hundred spires”, “the golden city”, “the Paris of the Twenties in the Nineties”, the “mother of all cities”, and “the heart of Europe”. #prague #czech #republic #vltava #river #golden #city 
seven.pics presents - Причини відвідати Касабланку

Причини відвідати Касабланку

Більшість людей, які гастролюють в Марокко, завжди неохоче відвідують Касабланку, незважаючи на те, що це одне з найвідоміших міст країни на користь інших імперських міст, таких як Фес та Марракеш. Інші воліють відвідувати найпопулярніші пляжні курорти, такі як Танжер та Агадір, а також туристичні місця по різноманітних гірських хребтах країни. Однак є безліч причин зробити зупинку до Касабланки, найбільшого міста Марокко на кілька днів. #morocco #casablanca #travel #beach #resort #tangier #agadir #city  
seven.pics presents - Cambodia


Cambodia is home to tropical islands hanging around the waters of Sihanoukville. And Koh Rong Samloem is one of the famous islands on the coast, about 4 kilometers away from the south of Koh Rong Island.The island is 9km long and 4km wide. On its narrowest part, it measures about 1 km wide, and it has a distance of 25km from the local port of Sihanoukville and about 23km from the Serendipity beach pier.With the nature of the beach’s dunes and waters on the island, visitors frequent the spot for their vacations. #travel #island #cambodia #kohrong #beach 
seven.pics presents - New Jersey

New Jersey

New Jersey is a small US state but this place has no dearth for tourist attraction. Historical sites and natural beauty attract a good deal of tourists to this place. The place has a long coast line and it’s almost 130 miles. Apart from this Atlantic coast, the statue of liberty is the land mark of this place. The state, with its glamorous nights and Hudson river, remains full of life all the time. Descriptions of some best places of New Jersey state are given below. #travel #US #newjersey  
seven.pics presents - Malaysia


The Federation of Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia. It consists of two geographical regions divided by the South China Sea: West Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia, Malay Peninsula) shares a land frontier in the north with Thailand and is connected by a causeway and a bridge in the south with the island state of Singapore; East Malaysia, the northern part of the island of Borneo, is bordered to the south by Indonesia and borders the Sultanate of Brunei on the east, south, and west. #travel #malaysia #asia #island #beach  
seven.pics presents - Reasons To Visit Casablanca

Reasons To Visit Casablanca

Most people touring Morocco are always reluctant to visit Casablanca despite it being one of the most famous cities in the country in favor of other imperial cities such as Fes and Marrakech. Others prefer to visit the most popular beach resorts such as Tangier and Agadir and hiking spots across the country’s diverse mountain ranges. However, there are plenty of reasons to make a stopover to Casablanca, the biggest city in Morocco for a few days. #morocco #casablanca #travel #beach #resort #tangier #agadir #city  
seven.pics presents -  Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the most intriguing nations in South America. It makes up for its small size with an assortment of native tribes, colonial architecture, beautiful scenery, and thick rainforests. It has Colombia and the Pacific Ocean as its borders — it is not larger than most states in the US. This magnificent nation attracts hikers, trekkers, explorers, and nature lovers to its green, ecologically significant forests, wildlife watchers to its iconic Galápagos Islands, and sun-seekers to its sandy tropical beaches. Here are some tips: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach 
seven.pics presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (1/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (1/2)

Yalta is a town on the south coast of the Crimean Peninsula surrounded by the Black Sea. It came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the “Big Three” powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the “Livadia Palace”, but long time before and after that historical meeting, Yalta was a resort city. It serves as the administrative center of Yalta Municipality, one of the regions within Crimea. It has a warm humid subtropical climate and is surrounded by numerous vineyards and orchards. #yalta #crimea #black #sea #conference  
seven.pics presents - Малайзия


Федерация Малайзии - государство в Юго-Восточной Азии. Он состоит из двух географических регионов, разделенных Южно-Китайским морем: Западная Малайзия (полуостров Малайзия, Малайский полуостров) делит сухопутную границу на севере с Таиландом и соединена дорогой и мостом на юге с островным государством Сингапур; Восточная Малайзия, северная часть острова Борнео, граничит на юге с Индонезией и граничит с Султанатом Бруней на востоке, юге и западе. #travel #malaysia #asia #island #beach